Wednesday 21 December 2011

Its that time of year again..

So, I can't believe it, but its actually Christmas. Ive just looked over my blogger history and I actually started this blog in October LAST YEAR. How mental is that?!
This time last year, it was the countdown to me leaving. Nothings changed this year but its a very different circumstance. Its mental. I can't get my head around it. If I'm honest? I'm scared. I can't believe the biggest year of my life is drawing to a close so very fast. Come Christmas day, I will have exactly 1 month left. That's 4 weeks. 
Its really strange but I'm starting to get a really panicky feeling in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't tell you why or what its for but I don't understand it. I'm actually excited to come home, I feel like its my time for sure and I'm still dead set against extending anyways, so what?
I figure its the saying goodbye and leaving people behind thing. I really hate goodbyes, Ive definatly had enough of those to last a lifetime. Yes. That must be what it is...?
Speaking of goodbyes, The hardest goodbye of my programme came at the end of November, just after my last blog too.
Ever since the end of August, I became really close with a few people, I think I've mentioned it in previous blogs, but I only really got to know Jenny from the end of August onwards, after her original arrival group left. It sucked when they went as they were such an awesome group but Jenny extended and stayed an extra 3 months. I'm so so glad she did because we had such and amazing time and it really made my programme that much more worth it, to meet such an amazing person. Taking her to the airport was ridiculously tough and very emotional, I'm very glad I went though. Her whole last week, I didn't let emotion get the better of me, I mean, why cry? I'm gonna see her again ridiculously soon! Kept it together for her last lasses (i think a combination of self restraint and the amount of alcohol I consumed, more so the alcohol, helped! I don't really remember much from it but I know for sure i didn't cry!) I was fine the whole week, even at the airport I didn't crack (I'm such a heartless bitch, I know. I really think I'm dead inside) It wasn't until we walked her to security and we hugged to say goodbye that i just fell apart. The whole way home too, Sarah, Hayley, Jeff and I were just soppy gits, it was awful! Nothing a bit of dine-in theatre and Breaking Dawn wouldn't help to fix! Yeah, that's right...America has dine-in theatres and they are THE best thing ever! :)
Its still so strange to not have Jenny and her housemate Ilaria around, living upstairs and it took a few days to get used to but its sunk in. I've spoken to her on Skype a few times and as I said, she's gonna be one of the first people I wanna see when I get home. Its totally sucky that for Hayley's birthday a few days after I get home, a load of people, including Jenny, are going to Vegas. Hayley invited me but I just think for me to go home for a few days to then turn around and fly back out for a week after being away for a year is a bit too much and everyone back home would probably kill me!  
But its okay, I shall definatly be making many trips to Ireland next year! :)
SO. Last Monday, Sarah and I took an impromptu trip to New York, as you do! Ive always wanted to see New York at Christmas time and Sarah had a whole lot of time booked off so I kinda thought, You know what? Fuck it, lets go! I'm so glad that I let that attitude take over because it was AMAZING!
We flew out Monday evening (waiting for that time to come was a killer, i just couldn't sit still, I ended up cleaning the apartment from top to bottom because I was so anxious!) and left Thursday evening, so 2 and a bit days.Was plenty of time and we saw everything, literally everything. Our hotel was literally a box, you could stand in the bathroom and put both arms out straight and touch each side but it was perfect for the time we were there! On the Tuesday, we went up the Empire State Building, which was absolutely incredible, the views were just breath taking, we walked up Broadway and into Times Square and sat on the red steps looking at the Ball Drop and all the huge screens. We got caught by a few ticket scouts and one of them was incredibly rude, telling us that we should come see this show as we weren't really experiencing New York by doing all the generic touristy things! I'm sorry, but I would rather look round and explore than sit in a theatre for 2 hours or more and miss the delights of the city! Arsehole.
We found the Rockefeller centre and the tree and then the big Christmas Bauble and huge fairy light display...if you've seen 'New Years Eve' or been to NYC at Christmas, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about!
On Wednesday we went to Central Park and went Ice Skating, which was so amazing, Ive always wanted to do that so it was so amazing to finally do it! Sarah on stayed on for a bit but i was quite content and going round and round! :) Totally loved it!
Sarah wanted to go and see the Brooklyn Bridge, which is of course in Downtown so we decided to walk the whole way there! Sounds insane right? Well yeah, it was more than 60 blocks we walked, equivalent of 3 hours! But I'm really glad we did because we got to see everything. You don't see everything if you're in a cab as it just flashes by in a second, its kind of a waste really.
We got to the bridge just as the sun was setting and it was breathtaking, to see all the lights illuminate along the bridge was just incredible and a sight I'm sure you and everyone back home will have never seen before. If you ever go to New York, do that. Its indescribable.
We walked all the way around the bottom of the city to where the Staten Island ferry leaves from and headed towards the Statue of Liberty ferry. Unfortunately theres some maintenance being carried on Mrs Liberty so the ferries are limited and stopped at 3.30...we got there at 5.30! GUTTED! You could still see her lit up over the water but I was very disappointed we didn't get to go but luckily I'm going back to New York on my way home so I shall make sure we get there in time! We started to walk back up into the city, and we found the Ground Zero World Trade centre site. There is no other word that I can think of to describe it other than 'eerie'. It was. Sarah and I sat on one of the parking bollards and were just speechless. To think that 2 towers fit into the space that had been left was crazy. I don't think you can understand just how much has gone and was affected there until you go and see it yourself. You could still see some of the damage to some of the surrounding buildings and the site's all boarded up whilst they build a memorial to the lives lost and the site. There was an area where you could see through to the site, but it was just huge holes where the foundations of the trade centres were. They've made a memorial out of it as I said but they charge you to get into it. Whether the money they raise goes to the family and friends of those affected or to the companies rebuilding and creating the monuments, I think its kinda wrong that they are making money from the public for it, charging them to see the devastation that was left after that day.
We walked through Soho, which I was really excited for, but was let down hugely as it doesn't even compare to Soho in London. We found somewhere to eat and gave up on the idea of walking all the way back. You know what you're feet feel like after you've been working all day? Like that but add a shed load of pain to it!
We left on the Thursday but we spent the morning in Times Square, picking up gifts and such, it was such a nice chilled out way to end the trip. It was an amazing experience and I'm so glad i got to go with Sarah :) Simply too excited to go at the end of my programme!
Its obviously Christmas Day in 4 days time. Part of me is excited, i can't wait for Christmas dinner with everyone here, it'll definatly bring up the spirits of those people missing home, and then the other part is dreading it and Im actually feeling very homesick for the first time in months. I would give my right arm to be at home now with my dad and sister and be organising seeing all the family and such. I spoke to my dad this morning (I've literally spent all day on the phone or on Skype, its been great! even though part of it was spent talking to my mother..!) and him and my sister along with most of my family, are going up to my Aunts the day after boxing day and they're all spending the day together and cooking a feast! I'm so very jealous I'm not there. This year Ive missed out on so many family things its crazy! Being here has definatly made me realise I really am a family girl and how much they all do mean to me. I can't wait to see them all. Its not long now! :)
Before I sign off, because I realise how much I've droned on, as per usual, Id like to add in (something that will make all you folks back home groan if you are reading this) that its STILL hot over here. I went to sea world yesterday with Lauren and Lee and oh my god, it may as well have been summer here again, we'll not that hot, but you catch my drift. I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt and i was stupidly hot it was insane! Today has literally been the same. I walked over to the clubhouse earlier and there were people by the pool SUNBATHING. THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!! Its December 21st! I think that's why I probably don't feel christmassy right now. I should be huddled up in a billion layers, not sat here in leggings and a top with my air con on! Its not right people! So to those at home, i WISH i was in the cold weather you're having, I wish i was cuddled up on the sofa in front of my fire, least id feel a little more christmassy then!
I'm off before i say anything else to upset you!